Archive for the 'Photos' Category

A friend of mine received a kids playhouse and swing set from the Grandparents, but had no real way of putting it together by himself. I grabbed my tools and spent most of the day assembling the structure which made it really satisfying to see the kids playing later that day.

In my humble opinion, it is more asthetically pleasing to get the daily weather from analog instrustments like these…

The "Cutty Sark" sailled by one Captiain William McCoy was used to run rum during prohibition. Read the full details from a clip for an advertising campaign that I helped start with CyberEvent Group, and some others back in 1994 for Hiram Walker & Sons.

Who say’s you have to celebrate Christmas in December?

This stuff makes everything taste soooo…. good!!!

Found this really cool changing lighted water sculpture as a gift for someone special.

The light is warm and glowing as a new day begins on the ocean.

A moment in time when day and night are almost one.

When I look into my little one’s eyes I see a creature filled with wisdom and love. What do you see?

I really wish I could just “flop” and relax the way my little one does. Although she’s still scanning ready to go anytime…

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