Archive for the 'Build Log' Category

Due to a change in the business model I now have more free time available…

Solaria has gone in a new direction which will allow them to use their resources more effectively and efficiently. Many of the systems which I developed over the past two and half years are mostly automonous and run their daily tasks without question which permits the company to observe the performance of their solar panels and tracking systems.

I will mostly likely continue to provide part time consulting services to Solaria going forward for the maintenance and continued data collection of real-time power plant performance metrics. Many thanks to all the folks @ Solaria who have given me the opportunity to improve my skills tremendously by permitting me to be creative, innovative and provide leadership required for the projects in my queue to meet the quarterly milestones.

So long everyone, I’ll definitely miss having lunch with many of you each week :)

Working on an Expected Energy project for Solaria currently and figured this was a close substitute…

Recently a friend referred me to Yogajuana Studio who needed web and e-Marketing services. I provided them with a simple web site built on the Yii Framework giving them a backend for administration and media management.  Additionally I hope to continue working with the owner on a closely matched e-Marketing campaign using QR-Codes and postcards to propagate his online presence.

A little over a month ago this client was referred to me by another client of mine. I reviewed their site, and so did Site Review Board (Review of Video Duplicators) and the results weren’t so great. The original site was pure graphics (Pictured Above), very little in the way of SEO compatibility.

We set out to create a site that would be larger in size, indexable by the search engines, and give the viewers a better understanding of the process and terminology involved in DVD authoring, duplication and replication. Using a technique similar to AJAX with PHP the FACTS section was created, a virtually endless encyclopedia of knowledge on the subject matter related to their business.

With some JavaScript and DHTML a two fold menu system was created that degrades nicely when JavaScript is disabled. Enabled there is transparency and flyouts with timing events, disabled it’s simply CSS / DHTML tricks with a similar look and feel, just more in between HTML pages to cover the flyouts.

Please have a look at Video Duplicators and browse the site. If your interest in getting some work done, a custom begin the process upload form was created to make it simple. The necessary files, options, and basic fields for starting a job are all there and are checked via JavaScript, then the files are uploaded via PHP and emails are sent to both parties notifying status of job.

Welcome to my site, a place where you can learn about emerging web technologies, their applications, and how to best use them in practice with according standards. Additionally there is background information about me, Gordon Hackett, see my resume.

I started this blog to let my friends and potential employers better understand just what it is that I do and how it benefits them. I am a very talented PHP Web Developer who has a natural facility for quickly absorbing new modelling and programming languages. That’s what the Web 2.0 requires of developers such as myself, in order to bring the benefits to the community at large and profits for the managing business venture.

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